Monday, June 8, 2015

Week 4 Reading

While doing the readings for this week, I found myself feeling like I should be taking notes. It felt like it was pretty much all rules for using social media and for writing a positive message. There seemed to be a lot of rules and only writing them down is going to help me remember while writing the email request. I remember learning about this in high school but since it's been 3 years, it was a good reminder especially since we're working on our email request drafts to the artist of our choice.
A good reminder tip from this reading was when requesting information or action in an email, to make it clear at what exactly you are requesting from the person. I often find myself not always being 100% clear and not just getting straight to the point. I really hope that after writing this email it will help me be clear about what I am asking and to get straight to the point.

Hope everyone is having a great week!


1 comment:

  1. Miranda,

    Take notes! Trust your instincts! :)

    Taking notes usually leads to retention -- it can help you commit this stuff to memory, which can help you activate it in practice.

