Tuesday, July 21, 2015

"How to Read Like a Writer" (Bunn)

Writing is a word-by-word and sentence-by-sentence process like Bunn claims in "How to Read Like a Writer". I never really realized that when we are reading that we read to learn about writing. Bunn suggests that when reading, we should examine what the writer writes. It's our choice how we choose to examine their work. What changes could the writer make to make their work better? If we were writing this, how would we do it differently?When examining the authors work we look at the choices they made when writing and we decide if we want to use the techniques they used or not. We decide what works best for us. Bunn uses the analogy of RLA which means reading like an architect. This means that when we read something, we are seeing how the work was constructed by the writer. We use what we like and create something similar. Two questions that Bunn suggests us to think about before reading a work are: What is the authors purpose for writing this work? & Who is the intended audience? I think that these two questions can really help you when examining the authors work. I think it will help you see if they nailed what they were trying to say to their specific audience. When reading, questioning why something was done the way it was and also thinking of ways to improve the writing will help you when it comes to your own writing later. 
